Journal of Recovery in Mental Health

Volume 7, numéro 1, hiver 2024


By Leah Johnston

This piece was created during a challenging period of my life. During this time I had to put great awareness and intention towards my own Personal Recovery. “Layers” explores the many factors within our control that contribute to wellness. It looks to represent both the light and the dark. The idea that I didn’t have to live in just one box, one emption, one mindset or one thinking pattern has been monumental in my journey. Acknowledgment that one can find Connection, Hope, Identity, Meaning and Empowerment during challenges and barriers set in our wellness path continues to allow me to live life on my own terms.

Sommaire (4 articles)


Brief Report

  1. Integrating Peer Support Workers into Mental Health Programs

Original Research

  1. Mental Health Staff Perspectives on Personal Recovery: A Narrative Study on Positive Professional Impact of Recovery-Oriented Care
  2. Feasibility, validity and reliability of the Dutch translation of INCRESE (INCRESE-NL) inventory to characterize mental health recovery narratives


Anciens numéros de Journal of Recovery in Mental Health