Volume 75, 2015
Sommaire (17 articles)
Front Matter
Contributors / Collaborateurs
The Blurred Boundaries of Anarchism and Punk in Vancouver, 1970–1983
“They Shall Not Die!”: Anarchists, Syndicalists, Communists, and the Sacco and Vanzetti Solidarity Campaign in Canada
Delaying, Disarming, and Deceiving the Union: The Lougheed Government, Alberta Government Employees, and the Public Service Employee Relations Act, 1977
Research Notes / Notes de Recherche
“Freedom” of Information in Canada: Implications for Historical Research
Working in the Shadows for Transparency : russ Hiebert, LabourWatch, Nanos Research, and the Making of Bill C-377
Les comités syndicaux jeunes: acteurs du changement institutionnel ou voie de contournement?
The Truck System in the Cape Breton Fishery: Philip Robin and Company in Chéticamp, 1843–1852
Presentation / Présentation
Review Essays / Notes Critiques
Revisiting the Digital Assembly Line: New Perspectives on Call Centre Work / Labour Markets and Identity on the Post-Industrial Assembly Line / Answer the Call: Virtual Migration in Indian Call Centres / Call Centers and the Global Division of Labor: A Political Economy of Post-Industrial Employment and Union Organizing
A Tate Gallery for the New Left: Portraits, Landscapes, and Abstracts in the Revolutionary Activism of the 1950s and 1960s / Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s and 60s: A Memoir – Volume 1, Canada 1955–1965 / Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s and 60s: A Memoir – Volume 2, Britain 1965–1970