Journal of Canadian Labour Studies
Le Travail
Revue d’Études Ouvrières Canadiennes

Volume 89, printemps 2022

Sommaire (42 articles)

  1. Editors’ Note
  2. Note de la rédaction

Obituary / Nécrologies


  1. “The Jimmy Hoffa of Canada”: Hal Banks and a Comparative Perspective on Union Corruption
  2. A Re-education on How to Work: Vocational Programs in Kingston-Area Prisons, 1950–1965
  3. “If You Want Anything, You Have to Fight for It”: Prisoner Strikes at Kingston Penitentiary, 1932–1935

Presentation / Présentation

  1. From the Royal Commission on the Status of Women to the National Action Committee

Research Notes / Notes de Recherche

  1. Conflits et droit du travail : la mobilité provinciale des travailleurs de la construction au Québec
  2. A Militancy of Invidious Comparisons: The Contested Value of Hospital Work in Ontario, 1959–1974

Archives Report / Chroniques d’Archives

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

  1. What’s New about Social Reproduction?

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

  1. Andrew Jackson, The Fire and the Ashes: Rekindling Democratic Socialism (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2021)
  2. Louise Dechêne, People, State, and War Under the French Regime in Canada, translated by Peter Feldstein (Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021)
  3. Donica Belisle, Purchasing Power: Women and the Rise of Canadian Consumer Culture (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020)
  4. Pierre Samson, Le Mammouth (Montréal : Héliotrope, 2019)
  5. Jason Russell, Canada, A Working History (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2021)
  6. Andrea D’Atri, Bread and Roses: Gender and Class Under Capitalism (London: Pluto Press, 2021)
  7. Chris Clarkson and Melissa Munn, Disruptive Prisoners: Resistance, Reform, and the New Deal (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021)
  8. Kimberly A. Williams, Stampede: Misogyny, White Supremacy, and Settler Colonialism (Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing, 2021)
  9. Alexandra Pierre, Empreintes de résistance. Filiations et récits de femmes autochtones et racisées (Montréal : les éditions du Remue-ménage, 2021)
  10. Andy Hanson, Class Action: How Ontario’s Elementary Teachers Became a Political Force (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2021)
  11. Serge Bouchard et Mark Fortier, Du diesel dans les veines, la saga des camionneurs du Nord (Montréal : Lux Éditeur, 2021)
  12. James A. Onusko, Boom Kids: Growing Up in the Calgary Suburbs, 1950–1970 (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2021)
  13. Emanuelle Dufour, « C’est le Québec qui est né dans mon pays! » : Carnet de rencontres, d’Ani Kuni à Kiuna (Montréal : Écosociété, 2021)
  14. Tyler A. Shipley, Canada in the World: Settler Colonialism and the Colonial Imagination (Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing, 2020)
  15. Dominic Dagenais, Grossières indécences : Pratiques et identités homosexuelles à Montréal, 1880–1929 (Montréal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020)
  16. Karen Messing, Bent Out of Shape: Shame, Solidarity and Women’s Bodies at Work (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2021)
  17. Working Class History, ed., Working Class History: Everyday Acts of Resistance & Rebellion (Oakland: PM Press, 2020)
  18. Margaret M. Keith and James T. Brophy, Code White: Sounding the Alarm on Violence Against Health Care Workers (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2021)
  19. Matthew E. Stanley, Grand Army of Labor Workers, Veterans, and the Meaning of the Civil War (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2021)
  20. Paul Bocking, Public Education, Neoliberalism, and Teachers: New York, Mexico City, Toronto (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020)
  21. Jacob A. Zumoff, The Red Thread: The Passaic Textile Strike (New Brunswick, Camden, and Newark, New Jersey & London: Rutgers University Press, 2021)
  22. Jenny Carson, A Matter of Moral Justice: Black Women Laundry Workers and the Fight for Justice (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2021)
  23. Jules Joanne Gleeson and Elle O’Rourke, eds., Transgender Marxism (London: Pluto Press, 2021)
  24. Jennifer Delton, The Industrialists: How the National Association of Manufacturers Shaped American Capitalism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020)
  25. Mike Richardson, Tremors of Discontent: My Life in Print 1970-1988 (Bristol: Bristol Radical History Group, 2021)
  26. Alan Hall, The Subjectivities and Politics of Occupational Risk: Mines, Farms and Auto-Factories (Philadelphia: Routledge, 2021)
  27. Katie Hindmarch-Watson, Serving a Wired World: London’s Telecommunications Workers and the Making of an Information Capital (Oakland: University of California Press, 2020)
  28. Nichola Khan, Arc of the Journeyman: Afghan Migrants in England (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020)
  29. Tim Strangleman, Voices of Guinness: An Oral History of the Park Royal Brewery (Oxford University Press, 2019)
  30. Vincent Brown, Tacky’s Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2020)
  31. Michele Fazio, Christie Launius, and Tim Strangleman, eds., Routledge International Handbook of Working-Class Studies (New York: Routledge, 2021)

Anciens numéros de Labour / Le Travail