New Explorations
Studies in Culture and Communications

Volume 3, numéro 1, printemps 2023

Sommaire (34 articles)


  1. Editor's Welcome
  2. The Joke as a Medium
  3. Contextualizing Marshall McLuhan
  4. Algorithm, Aphorism, and Alternatives
  5. Understanding the New Analogue Photography: Meanings, Methodologies and Aesthetics
  6. Commodifying Taste: An Autoethnography of Free Labour, Exploitation and Alienation on Spotify
  7. Understanding God as a Medium: A Dialogue between Albert Camus and Marshall McLuhan
  8. Comments on Understanding God as a Medium: A Dialogue between Albert Camus and Marshall McLuhan
  9. The Importance of Stoic Philosophy
  10. Incarnation and Digitization: Marshall McLuhan and the Digital Humanities
  11. Competition on the Origins of Life and the Scientific Oratory Tradition: Polarizing Evolution and Its Instinctual Faith in Prometheus


  1. Peter K. Fallon’s Propaganda 2.1: Understanding Propaganda in the Digital Age
  2. Adeena Karasick’s Book, Massaging the Medium: Seven Pechakuchas
  3. Robert Crawford’s Eliot After “The Waste Land” (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2022)
  4. Markus Friedrich’s The Jesuits: A History, translated by John Noel Dillon
  5. The Mind and the Moon: My Brother’s Story, the Science of Our Brains, and the Search for Our Psyches by Daniel Bergner
    Digital Communion: Marshall McLuhan’s Spiritual Vision for a Virtual Age
  6. Pope Francis’ 2022 Apostolic Letter on the Liturgical Formation of the [Roman Catholic] People of God, Desiderio Desideravi
  7. Second Norton Critical Edition: T. S. Eliot: “The Waste Land” and Other Poems
  8. Gabe-Bines: “Forever Flying Bird”: Teachings From Paul Peter Buffalo
  9. Temple Grandin, with Betsy Lerner, Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstraction
  10. Fran O’Rourke’s Joyce, Aristotle, and Aquinas
  11. Jonathan Sacks, The Power of Ideas: Words of Faith and Wisdom
  12. John T. McGreevy’s Catholicism: A Global History from the French Revolution to Pope Francis
  13. Context Blindness: Digital Technology and the Next Stage of Human Evolution
  14. Excerpt from Eva Berger’s Book Context Blindness


  1. Probing CHAT GPT: A Media Ecology Writing Sampler
  2. Dogs as Environments: How Dogs Mediate Nature, Social Interaction, and Self-Relation
  3. Probe: The Message(s) are now the Media: A 2030 Outlook on McLuhan
  4. Probe: What is a Lecture?
  5. Profanity as a Medium – The Science/Art of Swearing
  6. Oral Storytelling as Recounted by the American Indian Medicine Doctor Paul Peter Buffalo: A Probe
  7. Probe: Post-Literacy Flips Into Digital Orality
  8. Probe: A Brief Chart of Media Effects


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