Citer cet article
Decker, Jody. « Ah-ayitaw isi e-ki-kiskeyihtahkik maskihkiy: They Knew Both Sides of Medicine: Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew. Translated and edited by H. C. Wolfart and Freda Ahenakew. (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2000. 314 p. ISBN 0-88755-649-3.). » Scientia Canadensis, volume 26, 2002, p. 134–136.
Decker, J. (2002). Compte rendu de [Ah-ayitaw isi e-ki-kiskeyihtahkik maskihkiy: They Knew Both Sides of Medicine: Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew. Translated and edited by H. C. Wolfart and Freda Ahenakew. (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2000. 314 p. ISBN 0-88755-649-3.)]. Scientia Canadensis, 26, 134–136.
- Chicago
Decker, Jody « Ah-ayitaw isi e-ki-kiskeyihtahkik maskihkiy: They Knew Both Sides of Medicine: Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew. Translated and edited by H. C. Wolfart and Freda Ahenakew. (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2000. 314 p. ISBN 0-88755-649-3.) ». Scientia Canadensis 26, (2002) : 134–136.
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