Dans ce texte, trois psychotiques, Sarah, Jacob et Jonathan nous poseront la question : D'où ont-ils été exilés? On comprendra que Sarah l'a été de ses origines. Jacob, lui, se voit éjecté de son être. Quant à Jonathan, ce sera pire; il devra s'exiler de son délire, de sa folie, puisqu'il semble s'acheminer vers une véritable guérison. D'où l'autre question : Quelle est la nature de la souffrance des psychotiques? Très étrangement, la déchirure la plus vive surgit lorsque ces patients doivent se sortir de leur folie. Eux, ils savent que rien ne leur est plus facile que de s'y laisser sombrer; les fous sont attirés, comme par un aimant, vers le désert, l'abyssal, le non-être, bref, vers l'exil de soi.
In this text, three psychotics, Sarah, Jacob and Jonathan ask us the question : From where were they exiled? We come to understand that Sarah's was from her origins. Jacob sees himself ejected from his own being. As for Jonathan, his will be even worse; he must exile himself from his delusions, from his craziness, because he seems to be heading towards a real cure. Thus the other question : What is the nature of the suffering of psychotics? Very strangely, the most forceful rupture arises when these patients must remove themselves from their craziness. They themselves know that nothing is easier for them than to allow themselves to founder there; the mentally ill are attracted, as to a magnet, to the desert the abyss, the non-being, in short to self-exile.
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