In January 1917, an article by Georg Simmel, “Individualismens Former”, appeared in the Danish journal Spectator. Citing an editorial note herein, Simmel researchers have trusted that Simmel wrote the text in Danish and authorized the article (Rammstedt et al, 2015: 690; Christensen et al (eds.): 2019).
On the contrary, we use archives, memoires and historical research to show that the editorial note in fact concealed the true provenance of Simmel’s text. The German propaganda machine during World War 1 secretly financed the journal Spectator. The editor therefore had a motivation to alter a crucial passage in the text.
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Parties annexes
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- Müller, H.-P. (2018). Individualisierung, Individualismus und Individualität. In H.-P. Müller & T. Reitz (Eds.), Simmel-Handbuch (pp. 296-303). Berlin Suhrkamp.
- Portioli, C. (2018). War, Culture and Lebensreform. Germany’s way to itself? A few considerations on Simmel’s war writings. Simmel Studies, 22(2), 99-124.
- Rammstedt, O. (2019). Forord. In S. Christensen, N. G. Hansen, S. Langkjær, M. Hauberg-Lund Laugesen, & J. S. Wiewiura (Eds.), Simmel - sociologiens eventyrer (pp. 7-8). København: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne.
- Rammstedt, O., & Rammstedt, A. (Eds.). (2008). Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe Band 23 (GSG 23). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp
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- Rigsarkivet. [The Danish National Archives]. Affotograferinger fra Auswärtiges Amt. [Photo copies from Auswärtiges Amt.] Box 101.
- Rigsarkivet. [The Danish National Archives]. Affotograferinger fra Auswärtiges Amt. [Photo copies from Auswärtiges Amt.] Box 187.
- Simmel, G. (1914). Deutschlands innere Wandlung. In Fitzi, G. and Rammstedt, O. (Eds.), Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe Band 16 (GSG 16) (pp. 13-29).
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- Simmel, G. (1957). Brücke und Tür. Essays des Philosophen zur Geschichte, Religion, Kunst und Gesellschaft. In Verein mit Margarethe Susman herausgegeben von Michael Landmann. Stuttgart: K F Koehler Verlag.
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- Von Kohl, L. (no date). Manuskript til erindringer fra ungdomsårene med titlen "Oh, du nar." [Manuscript, memories from the youth with the title "Oh, you fool." Det Kongelige Bibliotek. Klausuleret.The Royal Danish Library. Restricted access.
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