Volume 14, Number 1, 2021 Improvisation, Musical Communities, and the COVID-19 Pandemic Guest-edited by Daniel Fischlin, Laura Risk and Jesse Stewart
Table of contents (35 articles)
Improvising Creative Responses to the Pandemic
Cri du cœur
"Notes Turn Into Angel Wings and Fly Upward": A Small Journal Kept During the COVID-19 Crisis, Phase One
Holding Space in these Uncertain Times
Very Urgent: Music of Desperation and Purpose in the Oakland of 2020
Imagining Outside of a Pandemic: A Response from a Queer Improvising Percussive Dancer
Improvising Arts Organizations and Venues
De travers dans la gorge : l'impact du coronavirus sur la musique traditionnelle au Québec
L’effet de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur Résonances et ses artistes
Presenting Our Own Narratives: Alan Greyeyes in Conversation with Melody McKiver
COVID-19 and the Creative Music Ecology
The Life of a Jazz Festival During a Pandemic
URGNT AND ESSENTIAL: Music in Times of Crisis
SILENCE: Arts Administration in the Time of COVID-19
At the Intersection of the Artistic and the Practical
Streaming Into the Unknown
The TRANZAC and Social Problems re: COVID 19 and Performing Musicians
Improvising New Forms of Community
Online Clubbing and Digital Drag: Queer Nightlife in Pandemic Times
Socializing from a Distance in a Community Music Ensemble During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Brysonville Schoolhouse Revisited: A Rural Open-Mic Responds to a Pandemic–An Interview with Bruce Barr and Alison Boyle
"Your network bandwith is low": Online Participatory Music-Making in the COVID-19 Era
A Musician's Notes: Improvising During a Pandemic
Prepared for the Worst . . . and the Best: The Mannlicher Carcano Radio Hour Continues Keeping People Together During COVID-19
The Poetics of Life: COVID-19, Improvising Alternatives, and the Musical Learning Community
Creating the Conditions to Create: An Anti-Oppressive Lens on the Post-Pandemic Music Scene
A History of Violence
Improvising Technologies
Re-imagining Creative Music-making: Creative Music Series #8
Black Time in the Age of COVID: Improvising Afrologically in both Telematic Performance and Public Health Policy
Alone Together: Musicking in the Time of COVID-19
Imperfections and Intimacies: Trebling Effects and the Improvisational Aesthetics of Pandemic-Era Livestreaming
Improvising Health, Care, and Accessibility
The Veil Lifted: Inclusive Improvisation, Virtual Music Learning Environments, and the Pandemic that Unwittingly Pitted Academia Against Ableism
When Singing Is Deadly: Improvising a New Reality for Music Therapists
Notes From The Couch: Novel Spaces for Creation in Coronavirus-era Choral Music Education
Equality in Isolation: Virtual Mobility, Accessibility, and Belonging
Playing the Changes: Improvisation, Metaphor, and COVID-19