History of Science in South Asia

Volume 9, 2021

Table of contents (6 articles)


  1. Doṣas by the Numbers: Buddhist Contributions to the Origins of the Tridoṣa-theory in Early Indian Medical Literature with Comparisons to Early Greek Theories of the Humours
  2. Persian Astronomy in Sanskrit: A Comparative Study of Mullā Farīd’s Zīj-i Shāh Jahānī and its Sanskrit Translation in Nityānanda’s Siddhāntasindhu
  3. Three Purāṇic Statements on the Shape of the Earth
  4. Who is the Native of the Sarvasiddhāntatattvacūḍāmaṇi?
  5. Jaina Thoughts on Unity Not Being a Number
  6. Mean and True Positions of Planets as Described in Gaṇitagannaḍi: A Karaṇa Text on Siddhāntic Astronomy in Kannaḍa


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