Journal of the Canadian Historical Association
Revue de la Société historique du Canada

Volume 28, Number 1, 2017

Table of contents (9 articles)

  1. Presidential Address. Confronting Our Colonial Past: Reassessing Political Alliances over Canada’s Twentieth Century
  2. Discours de la présidente. Confronter notre passé colonial : une réévaluation des alliances politiques au Canada à travers le XXe siècle
  3. Whiteness and Ambiguous Canadianization: The Boy Scouts Association and the Canadian Cadet Organization
  4. “Milk is Milk”: Marketing Milk in Ontario and the Origins of Supply Management
  5. Débats politiques et prise de parole citoyenne : la création de la Société nationale de l’amiante
  6. “A Deplorable Speech”: The Liberal Party vs. Anti-Catholicism during the Alexander Mackenzie Administration, 1873–1878
  7. Kanata/Canada: Re-storying Canada 150 at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
  8. Weaving the Imperial Breadbasket: Nationalism, Empire and the Triumph of Canadian Wheat, 1890-1940
  9. The Place of Mad People and Disabled People in Canadian Historiography: Surveys, Biographies, and Specialized Fields

Back issues of Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada