Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 13, Number 2, April 1958

Table of contents (25 articles)

  1. La caisse populaire à l'usine
  2. Quelques remarques sur le concept de roulement du personnel


  1. Le partage des profits dans les négociations de l'industrie de l'automobile en 1958
  2. Profit sharing as part of the 1958 Bargain Program in the Automotive Industry
  3. Les Canadiens et les nouveaux développements industriels
  4. Le chômage causé par une mauvaise orientation de notre politique monétaire

Jurisprudence du travail

  1. Le boycottage
  2. Certification syndicale et perte de majorité durant les négociations


  1. Les centrales ouvrières du Québec et l'assurance-santé
  2. Les centrales ouvrières du Québec et l'éducation
  3. Murdochville: dernière pièce au dossier
  4. Propos sur le travail humain

Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. Le syndicalisme obligatoire devant la morale. Gérard Dion. Collection « Etudes Sociales », La Pensée catholique, Bruxelles, Office général du livre, Paris, 1957, 64 pp.
  2. A Social Profile of Detroit: 1956. A Report of the Detroit Area Study of the University of Michigan. Detroit Area Study, Department of Sociology and the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research, 1957. 83 pp. $1.50.
  3. Elements of Supervision. By William Spriegel, Edward Shulz and William B. Spriegel, Second Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1956. 349 pp.
  4. Big Business Leaders in America. By M. Lloyd Warner and James C. Abegglen. Harper & Brothers: New York, 1955, 243 pp. $3.75.
  5. Workmen's Compensation — By Herman Miles Somers and Anne Ramsay Somers. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1954. 344 pp.
  6. Making Management Human. By A.J. Marrow. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957, 241 pp.
  7. The Big Business Executive. By Mabel Newcomer. New York: Columbia University, 1955. 164 pp. $4.25.
  8. Human Relations for Management. By Edward C. Bursk, Edit. New York: Harper & Bros., 1956, 372 pp. $5.00.
  9. The Give and Take in Hospitals. By Temple Burling, M.D., Edith M. Lentz, Ph.D., and Robert N. Wilson, Ph.D. New York: G.P. Putman's Sons, 1956. 333 pp.
  10. Labor Relations and Productivity in the Building Trades. By W. Haber and H.M. Levinson. Ann Arbor: Bureau of Industrial Relations, University of Michigan, 1956. 266 pp. $4.75.
  11. Profit Sharing in American Business. By Edwin B. Flippo: Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Business Research, College of Commerce and Administration, Ohio State University, 1954. 183 pp. $3.00.
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