L'auteur de cet article a participé activement à l'implantation d'un système de discipline, basé sur l'allocation des points cumulés de démérite dans une entreprise industrielle du Québec. Il en trace ici la genèse, décrit son contenu et l'évalue globalement à la lumière d'une expérience de près de cinq ans.
The purpose of this article was to outline the most important features of the so-called « Brown » method of administering industrial discipline. This system provides for the assessing of the employee record with demerit marks.
The author who has been personnally involved in and partly responsible for the introduction of the system in a large industrial concern in this province sums up the adopted administrative procedure and comments on a certain number of problems of communication with the individual worker and the local union leaders which have been encountered while implementing the « Brown » system of industrial discipline.
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Note biographique
GERMAIN, DENIS, B.A., M.A., (Rel. Ind., Université de Montréal), Officier des relations ouvrières chez Marine Industries Limited de Sorel.