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Boivin, Jean. "Bargaining : Monopoly versus Union Power, by George de Menil, The Joint Center for Urban Studies of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1971, 123 pp." Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 28, number 1, 1973, p. 222–223.
Boivin, J. (1973). Review of [Bargaining : Monopoly versus Union Power, by George de Menil, The Joint Center for Urban Studies of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1971, 123 pp.] Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 28(1), 222–223.
- Chicago
Boivin, Jean "Bargaining : Monopoly versus Union Power, by George de Menil, The Joint Center for Urban Studies of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1971, 123 pp.". Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 28, no. 1 (1973) : 222–223.
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