Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 28, Number 1, 1973

Table of contents (28 articles)

  1. Relations d’arbitrage et politique économique
  2. Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector : A Re-Examination
  3. The Multinational Corporation and Industrial Relations : The American Approach
  4. Unemployement and Labour Force Participation : The Canadian Experience
  5. Satisfaction au travail : problèmes associés à la mesure
  6. Occupational Characteristics of Leading Canadian Executives
  7. Current Objectives of Canadian Federal Manpower Programs
  8. A Cross-Cultural Study of Worker Attitudes in a Bicultural Economic Environment
  9. Factions in British and American Unions – A Comparative Structural Approach

Droit du travail

Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. Le syndicalisme québécois, par Louis-Marie Tremblay, Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 1972, 288 pp.
  2. British Trade Unions and the Problem of Change, par Will Paynter, Montréal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1970, 172 pp.
  3. Répertoire de décisions en application du Code du travail(Tome I – Accréditation et questions connexes), par J. Gaston Descôteaux, Ottawa, Édition de l’Université d’Ottawa, 1972, 526 pp.
  4. The Economics of Technological Change, by Nathan Rosenberg (Ed.), Middlesex, England, Penguin Modern Economics Readings, 1971, 509 pp.
  5. Perspectives on the Wage-Price-Unemployment Problem : Stop the Market, I Want to Get Off, Proceedings of the 1972 Conference of the Industrial Relations Management Association of British Columbia, February 1972, Edited by Vance F. Mitchell and W.T. Stanbury, Vancouver : Versatile Publishing, 1972, 179 pp.
  6. Les partenaires sociaux face aux problèmes de productivité et d’emploi, par Yves Delamotte, Paris, O.C.D.E., 1971, 228 pp.
  7. Collective Bargaining by Public Employees in Canada : Five Models, by H.W. Arthurs, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, The University of Michigan – Wayne State University, 1971, 166 pp.
  8. Dispute Settlement in the Public Sector, Thomas P. Gilroy (Ed.), Iowa City, Center for Labor and Management, College of Business Administration, The University of Iowa, Research Series I, 1972, 59 pp.
  9. City Employee Bargaining with a Divided Management, by Thomas A. Kochan, Monograph Series. Wisconsin, Industrial Relations Research Insitute, University of Wisconsin, 1971, 75 pp.
  10. Investment in Human Resources and Manpower Planning, United Nations, Papers presented to the eighth session of Senior Economic Advisers to ECE governments, New York, United Nations, 1971, 165 pp.
  11. Politique et technique de direction du personnel, par Jean Diverrez (4e édition), Paris, Entreprise Moderne d’Édition, 1970, 291 pp.
  12. The History of Management Thought, par Claude George, Jr., Second Edition, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 223 pp.
  13. Bargaining : Monopoly versus Union Power, by George de Menil, The Joint Center for Urban Studies of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1971, 123 pp.
  14. Des loisirs : pour quoi faire? Par Jean Fourastié, Tournai, Casterman, 1970, 143 pp.
  15. Readings in Labor Economics and Labor Relations, by Richard L. Rowan (ed.), Homewood, Illinois, Richard D. Irwin Inc., 1972, 621 pp.
  16. Éléments d’économie pour travailleurs sociaux, par Fr. Pereira De Moura, Paris, (Coll. Socio-guide), Le Centurion/Sciences Humaines, 1972, 216 pp.
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