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Lajoie, Mario. "The Labour Companion: A Bibliography of Canadian Labour History, Based on Materials Printed from 1950 to 1975, compiled by G. Douglas Vaisey with the assistance of John Battye, Marie De Youne and Gregory S. Kealy, Halifax, Committee on Canadian Labour History, 1980, 128 pp." Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, volume 37, number 1, 1982, p. 251–252.
Lajoie, M. (1982). Review of [The Labour Companion: A Bibliography of Canadian Labour History, Based on Materials Printed from 1950 to 1975, compiled by G. Douglas Vaisey with the assistance of John Battye, Marie De Youne and Gregory S. Kealy, Halifax, Committee on Canadian Labour History, 1980, 128 pp.] Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 37(1), 251–252.
- Chicago
Lajoie, Mario "The Labour Companion: A Bibliography of Canadian Labour History, Based on Materials Printed from 1950 to 1975, compiled by G. Douglas Vaisey with the assistance of John Battye, Marie De Youne and Gregory S. Kealy, Halifax, Committee on Canadian Labour History, 1980, 128 pp.". Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 37, no. 1 (1982) : 251–252.
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