Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 37, Number 1, 1982

Table of contents (25 articles)

  1. Les relations professionnelles et les défis des années 80
  2. A Critique of Industrial Relations Theory
  3. Industrial Relations: A Paradigmatic Analysis
  4. La part des salaires dans le revenu national au Canada, 1910 à 1980
  5. Reservation Wages in Canadian Labour Markets
  6. The Canadian Labour Congress and Tripartism
  7. Alienation Among Professional Engineers: A Canadian-American Comparison
  8. La négociation collective chez les fonctionnaires et les enseignants québécois : 1975-1976
  9. Les formes d’organisation dans l’industrie de la construction
  10. The Canadair-I.A.M. Productivity Improvement Plan


  1. A Note of the Critical Dimensions of the Union Merger Process
  2. L’efficacité des clauses d’indexations des salaires
  3. Décisions rendues par le Conseil canadien des relations de travail
  4. Changements dans les législations du travail au Canada

Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. Relations industrielles dans l’industrie de la construction du sud du Nouveau-Brunswick, par H.D. Woods, Fredericton, N.B., ministère du Travail et de la Main-d’oeuvre, mars 1981, 617 pp. / Southern New Brunswick Construction Industry Industrial Relations, by H.D. Woods, Fredericton, N.B., Labour and Manpower, Marc 1981, 617 pp.
  2. Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Canada, by H.W. Arthurs, D.D. Carter, H.J. Glasbeck, Kluwer, Deventer; Butterworths, Toronto, 1981, ISBN 90 312 0139 (Kluwer), 0-409-81181-X (Butterworths), 291 pp.
  3. Working People, An Illustrated History of Canadian Labour, by Desmond Morton with Terry Copp, Ottawa, Deneau & Greenberg, 1980, 349 pp.
  4. Historical Directory of Trade Unions, Volume I : Non-Manual Unions, by Arthur Marsh and Victoria Ryan, Farnborough, England, Gower, 1980, 256 pp. (Distributed in North America by Renouf USA, Brookfield, Vermont 05026) ISBN 0-566-02160-9.
  5. The Dynamics of Industrial Conflict, Lessons from Ford, by Henry Friedman and Sander Meredeen, Croom Helm, London, 1980, 386 pp.
  6. Le partage de l’emploi, vers une société sans chômage, par Bernard Delplanque, Paris, Éditions Entente, 1980, 141 pp.
  7. Unemployment and Labour Force Behaviour of Young People: Evidence from Canada and Ontario, by F.T. Denton, A.L. Robb and B.G. Spencer, Ontario Economic Council Research Series no 20, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1980, 215 pp, ISSN 0708-3688, ISBN 0-8020-3379-2.
  8. The Labour Companion: A Bibliography of Canadian Labour History, Based on Materials Printed from 1950 to 1975, compiled by G. Douglas Vaisey with the assistance of John Battye, Marie De Youne and Gregory S. Kealy, Halifax, Committee on Canadian Labour History, 1980, 128 pp.
  9. « An Impartial Umpire »: Industrial Relations and the Canadian State 1900-1911, by Paul Craven, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1980, x-386 pp., ISBN 0-8020-5505-2 bd and ISBN 0-8020-6401-9te.
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