Science of Nursing and Health Practices
Science infirmière et pratiques en santé

Volume 3, Number 2, 2020

Table of contents (7 articles)

Éditorial / Editorial

Articles de méthodologie et discussion théorique / Theoretical discussion and methodology articles

  1. Step-by-step Strategies for an Integrated Patient-Oriented Research: Lessons Learned from a Multicentered Study
  2. The Role of Treatment Perceptions in Intervention Evaluation: A Review

Articles de recherche empirique / Empirical research articles

  1. L’expérience des parents immigrants suivant un décès périnatal
  2. Brief Theory-based Intervention to Improve Physical Activity in Men with Psychosis and Obesity: A Feasibility Study
  3. The expected, enacted and desired role of family practice nurses in family medicine groups as perceived by nurses and family physicians


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