Urban History Review
Revue d'histoire urbaine

Volume 14, Number 1, June 1985

Table of contents (26 articles)

Articles / Articles

  1. Études d’histoire urbaine en Italie : résultats et tendances
  2. Town and Country in John Galt: A Literary Perspective
  3. Winnipeg and Minneapolis Bank Resources Compared, 1876-1926
  4. The Irish Experience in Ontario: Rural or Urban?

Review Essays / Notes critiques

  1. Contributors / Collaborateurs
  2. Notes and Comments: Ninth International Conference of the International New Towns Association; CAP-AUX-DIAMANTS-Revue d'histoire de Québec; The fourth B.C. Studies Conference; Rural and Small Town Studies at Mount Allison University; Native Studies Review; Publications

Book Notes / Notes bibliographiques

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Artibise, Alan F.J. and Paul-André Linteau. The Evolution of Urban Canada: An Analysis of Approaches and Interpretations. Report No. 4. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg, 1984. Pp. v, 46. Illustrations. $8.00 paper
  2. Careless, J.M.S. Toronto to 1918, An Illustrated History. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company and National Museum of Man, 1984. Pp. 223. Illustrations $24.95 cloth
  3. Lyon, Deborah and Robert Fenton. The Development of Downtown Winnipeg: Historical Perpectives on Decline and Revitalization. Report No. 3. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1984. Pp. viii, 200. Maps, tables. $16.00 paper
  4. Gamelin, Alain; René Hardy; Jean Roy; Normand Seguin; and Guy Toupin. Trois-Rivières illustrée. Trois-Rivières: La Corporation des fêtes du 350e anniversaire de Trois-Rivières, 1984. Pp. 226. Illustrations
  5. Jackson, John N. St. Catharines: The Contribution of the City to Two Hundred Years of Ontario Life. St. Catharines: Historical Society of St. Catharines, 1984. Pp. 32. Illustrations
  6. Bond, Courtney C.J. Where Rivers Meet: An Illustrated History of Ottawa. Burlington: Windsor Publications, 1984. Pp. 192. Illustrations. $18.70 / Gwyn, Sandra. The Private Capital: Ambition and Love in the Age of Macdonald and Laurier. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1984. Pp. 514. Illustrations. $34.95
  7. Rasporich, A. W., ed. The Making of the Modem West: Western Canada Since 1945. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1984. Pp. iv, 231. Maps, illustrations. $12.95
  8. Ramirez, Bruno. Les premiers Italiens de Montréal : L’origine de la Petite Italie du Québec. Montréal : Boréal Express, 1984. Pp. 136. Photographs. $9.95
  9. Fry, Bruce W. "An appearance of strength": The Fortifications of Louisbourg. 2 vols., Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1984. Vol. 1, pp. 214; Vol. 2, pp. 212. 256 black and white illustrations. $23.00 a set / "Un air de fort": Les fortifications de Louisbourg. 2 vols., Ottawa: Parcs Canada, 1984. Vol. 1, pp. 221; Vol. 2, pp  212. 256 illustrations noir et blanc. $23.00 le jeu
  10. Fram, Mark and John Weiler, eds. Continuity with Change: Planning for the Conservation of Man-Made Heritage, 2d ed. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1984. Pp xix, 343. Illustrations. $13.95
  11. McGahan, Peter. Police Images of a City. American University Studies Series XI, Volume 4. New York: Peter Lang, 1984. Pp. 217
  12. Capeci, Dominic J., Jr. Race Relations in Wartime Detroit: The Sojourner Truth Housing Controversy of 1942. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1984. Pp. xi, 240. Map, index. $37.95
  13. Couvares, Francis G. The Remaking of Pittsburgh: Class and Culture in an Industrializing City, 1877-1919. Albany: The State University of New York Press, 1984. Pp. viii, 187. Map, index
  14. Englander, David. Landlord and Tenant in Urban Britain, 1838-1918. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983. Pp. xviii, 342. Tables, index. $64.25
  15. Slavin, Morris. The French Revolution in Miniature. Section Droits-de-l’Homme, 1789-1795. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984. Pp. xviii, 449. Illustrations, maps, tables, index. $55.00 (U.S.)
  16. Logan, Kathleen. Haciendo Pueblo: The Development of a Guadalajaran Suburb. University: The University of Alabama Press, 1984. Pp. xiv, 141. 3 maps, 15 black and white plates, index. $16.00 (U.S.)

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