Urban History Review
Revue d'histoire urbaine

Volume 16, Number 1, June 1987

Table of contents (26 articles)


  1. Charity and Change: Montreal English Protestant Charity Faces the Crisis of Depression
  2. The Political Economy of Land Development In Nineteenth Century Toronto
  3. Agriculture as an Urban Activity: Social Forces in Winnipeg's Grain Industry
  4. New Directions for Historic Conservation: A Methodology, with Special Reference to Kingston

Research Notes / Notes des recherches

  1. Flightless Phoenix: Fire Risk and Fire Insurance in Urban Canada, 1882-1886
  2. Three Preconfederation Painters of the Canadian City, Part I, James Cockburn

Review Essay / Note critique

  1. International Urban Bibliography: Recent Publications in Urban History / Bibliographie du monde urbain : Publications récentes en histoire urbaine
  2. Contributors
  3. Notes and Comments: Society for Planning History Created; Centre Canadien d'Architecture / Canadian Centre for Architecture; Summit of Major Cities; Conferences; Publications

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Goldberg, Michael A., and John Mercer. The Myth of the North American City: Continentalism Challenged. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1986. Pp. xx, 308. $14.25 paper
  2. Stelter, Gilbert, and Alan F.J. Artibise, eds. Power and Place: Canadian Urban Development in the North American Context. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1986. Pp. 398. Illustration, maps, tables. $29.95 cloth
  3. Taylor, John H. Ottawa: An Illustrated History. Toronto: James Lorimer and Company and Canadian Museum of Civilization, National Museums of Canada, 1986. Pp. 232. Illustrations. $27.95 cloth
  4. Linteau, Paul-André, René Durocher, Jean-Claude Robert et François Ricard. Le Québec depuis 1930. Montréal : Boréal, 1986. Pp 740. Illustrations, cartes. $29.95
  5. Broadfoot, Barry. The Immigrant Years: From Europe to Canada 1945-1967. Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & Mclntyre, 1986. Pp. 240. $22.95
  6. Adam, Ian. Glass Canyons. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1985. Pp. 190. $17.95 cloth; $7.95 paper
  7. Bourassa, Guy et Léveillée, Jacques, sous la direction de, Le système politique de Montréal. Montreal : L’Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences, 1986. Pp. vi, 600. $12.00 paper
  8. Klein, Juan-Luis; Caroline Andrew; Pierre W. Boudreault; et Richard Morin, eds. Aménagement et développement; vers des nouvelles pratiques ? Montréal : L’Association canadienne française pour l’avancement des sciences, Cahiers de l’A.C.F.A.S., No. 38, 1986. Pp. 199. $7.50 paper
  9. Guthrie, Ann. Don Valley Legacy: A Pioneer History. Erin, Ontario: Boston Mills Press, 1986. Pp. 213. Illustrations. $9.95 paper
  10. McDonald, Robert A.J., and Jean Barman, eds. Vancouver Past: Essays in Social History. Vancouver Centennial Issue of BC Studies. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1986. Illustrations, maps, tables. Pp. 327. $24.95
  11. Horwood, Harold. Corner Brook: A Social History of a Paper Town. Newfoundland History Series No. 3. St. John's: Breakwater Books, 1986. Pp. 182. Illustrations. $24.95 cloth; $14.95 paper
  12. Flood, Brian. Saint John: A Sporting Tradition 1785-1985. Saint John: Neptune Publishing Company Ltd., 1985. Pp. 256. Illustrations. $29.95 / Kearney, Jim. Champions: A British Columbia Sports Album. Vancouver: Douglas and Mclntyre; and Sport B.C., 1985. Pp. 160. Illustrations. $19.95
  13. Hohenberg, Paul M., and Lynn Hollen Lees. The Making of Urban Europe, 1000-1950. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985. Pp. xiv, 398. Tables, figures, index. $30.00 (US.) / Konvitz, Josef W. The Urban Millennium: The City-Building Process from the Early Middle Ages to the Present. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1985. Pp. xxi, 265. Illustrations, index. $24.95 (U.S.)
  14. Hamm, Michael E, ed. The City in Late Imperial Russia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. Pp. ix, 372. Illustrations, maps, tables, index. $27.50
  15. Olsen, Donald J. The City as a Work of Art: London, Paris, Vienna. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1986. Pp. xiii, 311. 142 black and white plates; 8 colour plates. Index, bibliography. $35.00 (U.S.)
  16. Stinger, Charles L. The Renaissance in Rome. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985. Pp. xv, 444. $37.40 (U.S.)

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