
Volume 7, numéro 2, 1987

Sommaire (20 articles)

  1. Early Christianity’s Polemical views of Jews and Judaism: a Sociological Perspective
  2. La consommation du maïs dans les fêtes religieuses aztèques
  3. Knowledge and Sacredness
  4. A Cree Indian Treatment for Psoriasis: A Longitudinal Study
  5. La brèche : tremblement de terre, système de domination et costureras au Mexique
  6. L’intégration des Inuit au système biomédical : perspectives d’une contradiction



  1. Bruce G. TRIGGER, Natives and Newcomers: Canada’s “Heroic Age” Reconsidered, Kingston and Montreal/Manchester : McGill-Queen’s University Press/Manchester University Press, 1985, 430 pages, $18.95
  2. Paul FRIEDRICH, The Princes of Naranja: an Essay in Anthropological Method, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1986. 305 pages, U.S. $12.95 (paperback)
  3. Collectif, André Leroi-Gourhan ou les voies de l’homme (Actes du Colloque du CNRS - mars 1987), Paris, Albin Michel, 1988. 257 pages, 125 FF
  4. Richard M. SWIDERSKI, Voices: An Anthropologist’s Dialogue with an Italian-American Festival, London, Ontario : Centre for Social and Humanistic Studies, University of Western Ontario, 1986. 146 pages, $8.95 (paper)
  5. William COWAN, Michael K. FOSTER, and Konrad KOERNER, New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings of the Edward Sapir Centenary Conference (Ottawa, 1-3 October, 1984). 1986 John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 627 pages
  6. Emily Ivanoff BROWN, Tales of Ticasuk, Eskimo legends and stories, Fairbanks, University of Alaska Press, 1987, xxvi & 134 pages, illustrations
  7. Archimandrite Anatolii KAMENSKII, Tlingit Indians of Alaska, Translated, with an Introduction and Supplementary Material by Sergei Kan, Fairbanks, The University of Alaska Press, (original 1906), English Translation 1985. pp. 166. $15.00 US
  8. Karla POEWE, The Namibian Herero: A History of their Psychosocial Disintegration and Survival, Lewiston/Queenston : The Edwin Mellen Press, 1985. 364 pages
  9. Danielle JONCKERS, La société minyanka du Mali. Traditions communautaires et développement cotonnier, Paris, L’Harmattan, Collection « Connaissance des Hommes », 1987, 239 pages, cartes, tableaux; ill. h.t.
  10. Margaret C. RODMAN, Masters of Tradition: Consequences of Customary Land Tenure in Longana, Vanuatu. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1987. 208 pages, Can. $21.95, US $17.95
  1. Erratum
  2. Couverture / Cover

Anciens numéros de Culture