Volume 13, numéro 1, 2022 Critical and Creative Engagements with Petro-Media Sous la direction de Emily Roehl et Rachel Webb Jekanowski
The production of oil is imbricated in financial and socio-political systems as well as ways of mediating the worlds in which we live. Like infrastructures used to transport fuel, audio-visual media and other forms of cultural production (museums, poetry, film, visual art) can serve as conduits for ideas about energy, identity, relationships to the nonhuman world, and history. This special issue of Imaginations on “Critical and Creative Engagements with Petro-Media” explores some of the ways that media has been used to examine petroleum’s place within Canadian and American cultural landscapes and oil’s attendant socio-political and economic structures. Given our location on occupied Indigenous territories where we work as researchers and educators, we assert that energy developments are always already implicated within histories of white settlement in North America. Drawing on literary and film studies, energy humanities scholarship, critical museum studies, and a variety of creative and analytical research methods, the contributors to this issue theorize contemporary and historical practices of corporate petro-media alongside creative interventions to trace the interlacing of oil, media, and settler colonialism.
Sommaire (10 articles)
Oil-Sponsored Exhibitions and Canada’s Extractive Politics of Cultural Production
Oil Topography: Weaving the World of Oil
Excerpts of The Tome of Light
Founding Fathers (in a Tailings Pond)
Excavating CBC’s Docudrama The Tar Sands
Isotopic Poetics: The Petrocultural Appropriations of Lesley Battler’s Endangered Hydrocarbons
“Crude Futures” and “After the Amplify Energy Oil Spill”