Number 3, 1982
Table of contents (25 articles)
Editorial / Éditorial
Introduction to the Queen's Symposium on Musical Perception Held at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, July 14-16, 1981
Beginnings and Endings in Western Art Music
Exploring the Sensitivity to Structure in Music
Analyzing Spectra That Won't Stand Still
Acoustical Factors in Subjective Tests
The Musical Control of Sound Color
Some Perceptual Aspects of Timbre
Factors of Musical Perception: Three Points of View
L’Énigme de la première édition (1624) des Capricci de Girolamo Frescobaldi
Petite histoire de mon théâtre musical
Situation de la synthèse sonore par ordinateur
Reviews / Comptes rendus
About Canadian Music: the P.R. Success / Helmut Kallmann, Gilles Potvin, and Kenneth Winters, eds. Encyclopedia of Music in Canada. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1981, xxix, 1076 pp.
Clifford Ford. Canada's Music: An Historical Survey. Agincourt, Ontario: GLC Publishers Limited, 1982, viii, 278 pp. / Ian L. Bradley. Twentieth Century Canadian Composers, Vol. II. Agincourt, Ontario: GLC Publishers Limited, 1982, xii, 281 pp.
Charles M. Keil. Tiv Song. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979, xiii, 301 pp.
Iain Fenlon, ed. Early Music History I: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981, vii, 381 pp.
Wyschnegradsky: Two Concert Etudes, Op. 19: Two Fugues, Op. 33; Integrations, Op. 49. Mather: Sonata for Two Pianos. Hambraeus: Carillon for Two Pianos. Pierrette LaPage and Bruce Mather, duo-pianists. McGill University Records 77002
Bach: Sonatas for Viola da Gamba and Harpsichord, BWV 1027-9. Mary Cyr, gamba; John Grew, harpsichord. McGill University Records, 78007, produced by Donald Steven
Hambraeus: Intrada: "Calls." Tornado. Tides. McGill University Records 76001
Patriquin: Hangman's Reel—Ballet (With Music for Fiddle and Piano). Jean Carignan, fiddle; Gilles Losier, piano; Orchestra of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens conducted by Vladimir Jelinek. McGill University Records 80010), produced by Donald Steven
Schubert: Variations on "Trockene Blumen" D. 802. Frank: Sonata for Flute and Piano. Jeanne Baxtresser, flute: Paul Helmer, piano. McGill University Records 77005
Piston: Tunbridge Fair. Cowell: Little Concerto for Piano and Band. Bencriscutto: Symphonic Jazz Suite. Lanza: Eidesis IV for Wind Ensemble and Electronic Sounds. McGill Wind Ensemble conducted by Robert Gibson. McGill University Records 79008
The Mount Royal Brass Quintet. The Mount Royal Brass Quintet. McGill University Records 77004, produced by Donald Steven. Scheidt: Canzon "Bergamasca." Bach: The Art of Fugue: Contrapunctus I. Ewald: Quintet for Brass, Op. 5. Arnold: Quintet for Brass. Jones: Passacaglia and Fugue for Brass Quintet
Percussion. The McGill Percussion Ensemble. McGill University Records 77003, produced by Donald Steven. François Morel: Rhythmologue. Alcides Lanza: Sensors I. Serge Garant: Circuit I. Andrew Culver: Signature