Language and Literacy
Langue et littératie

Volume 24, Number 1, 2022 Literacy Entanglements and Relationality, Time, Place, Space and Identity Guest-edited by Jing Jin, Lara Polak, Velvalee Georges and Yina Liu

Table of contents (5 articles)


  1. Literacy Entanglements and Relationality, Time, Place, Space and Identity


  1. The Intersections of Student Engagement and Academic Integrity in the Emergency Remote ‘English for Academic Purposes’ Assemblage
  2. Reimagining Multiliteracies for Science and Mathematics Teacher Candidates during the Pandemic
  3. Thinker, Learner, and Practitioner: Using an Insider’s Lens to Explore Critical, Cultural, and Global Consciousness Through Multicultural Literature
  4. “Staring Down a Charging Bull”: Reconceptualizing Content and Disciplinary Literacy through Transmediation


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