Language and Literacy
Langue et littératie

Volume 26, Number 2, 2024 Special Issue: Reckoning with our past, interrogating our present, and reimagining our future

Table of contents (8 articles)


  1. Special Issue Introduction
  2. Translanguaging and teacher authority
  3. Antle Discovers his Voice: Examining Uses of Oral Language Resources for Mi’kmaw Learners
  4. Supporting literacy through social justice literature: A conceptual argument for reading time in preservice teaching
  5. Canada’s Official Languages Act, Border Imperialism, and the Surface Tension of Water


  1. Pandemic Considerations in Literacy Research & Teaching
  2. It takes a village: Investigating the scaffolding strategies of writing development to support early literacy among Nova Scotians of African descent communities
  3. Beyond the Observable: Conceptions and realizations of enacted multiliteracies in Ontario Social Studies Curriculum–One Multi-verse of Madness


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