Volume 3, 1978
Table of contents (10 articles)
Discordant Music: Charivaris and Whitecapping in Nineteenth-Century North America
Capital and Labour in the Halifax Baking and Confectionery Industy During the Last Half of the Nineteenth Century
The 1907 Bell Telephone Strike: Organizing Women Workers
Munitions and Labour Militancy: The 1916 Hamilton Machinists' Strike
Workers, Growers and Monopolists: The "Labour Problem" in the Alberta Beet Sugar Industry During the 1930s
The Formation of the Canadian Industrial Relations System During World War Two
La Conscience Syndicale Lors des Grèves du Textile en 1937 et de L'amiante en 1949
Tragedy at Bellevue: Anatomy of a Mine Disaster
Les Artisans et la Conscience de Classe Ouvrière: nouvelles recherches aux États-Unis