Labour/Le Travailleur

Volume 53, 2004

Table of contents (13 articles)

Contributors / Collaborateurs


  1. "Legal Gentlemen Appointed by the Federal Government": the Canadian State, the Citizens' Committee of 1000, and Winnipeg's Seditious Conspiracy Trials of 1919-1920
  2. "We No Longer Respect the Law": The Tilco Strike, Labour Injunctions, and the State
  3. Between Nationalism and Continentalism: State Auto Industry Policy and the Canadian UAW, 1960-1970

Presentations / Présentations

  1. Informal Rural Economies in History

Research Notes / Notes de Recherche

Notes and Documents

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

Book Notes / Références Bibliographiques


Abstracts / Résumés

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