Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 35, Number 4, Fall 2012 Women’s Translations in Early Modern England and France La traduction au féminin en France et en Angleterre (XVIe et XVIIe siècles) Guest-edited by Marie-Alice Belle

Table of contents (22 articles)


  1. Locating Early Modern Women’s Translations: Critical and Historiographical Issues
  2. La translation du « vieil langaige et prose, en nouveau et rime » : Anne de Graville et les visées épidictiques du Beau romant
  3. “God may open more than man maye vnderstande”: Lady Margaret Beaufort’s Translation of the De Imitatione Christi
  4. Translating Devotion: Mary Roper Basset’s English Rendering of Thomas More’s De tristitia ... Christi
  5. Returning to Lady Lumley’s Schoolroom: Euripides, Isocrates, and the Paradox of Women’s Learning
  6. « Moy Traductrice » : le façonnement de la figure auctoriale dans le paratexte des traductions de Marie de Gournay


Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Brown, Cynthia J. The Queen’s Library: Image-Making at the Court of Anne of Brittany, 1477–1514
  2. Clément, Michèle (éd.). Étienne Dolet 1509–2009
  3. Connolly, Ruth and Tom Cain (eds.). “Lords of Wine and Oile”: Community and Conviviality in the Poetry of Robert Herrick
  4. Datini, Margherita. Letters to Francesco Datini. Trans. Carolyn James and Antonio Pagliaro
  5. Grafton, Anthony. The Culture of Correction in Renaissance Europe
  6. Habert, Mireille. Montaigne traducteur de la Théologie naturelle. Plaisantes et sainctes imaginations
  7. Howard, Peter. Creating Magnificence in Renaissance Florence
  8. Maschietto, Francesco Ludovico. Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia (1646–1684): The First Woman in the World to Earn a University Degree. Trans. Jan Vairo and William Crochetiere. Ed. Catherine Marshall
  9. Murray, Jacqueline (ed.). Marriage in Pre-modern Europe: Italy and Beyond
  10. Noirot-Maguire, Corinne. « Entre deux airs ». Style simple et ethos poétique chez Clément Marot et Joachim Du Bellay (1515–1560)
  11. Trachtenberg, Marvin. Building-in-Time: From Giotto to Alberti and Modern Oblivion
  12. Wallace, William E. Michelangelo: The Artist, the Man, and His Times
  13. Walton, Michael T. Genesis and the Chemical Philosophy: True Christian Science in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
  14. Wolff, Martha (ed.). Kings, Queens, and Courtiers: Art in Early Renaissance France
  15. Zorach, Rebecca. The Passionate Triangle

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