Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 40, Number 1, Winter 2017 Comedy, Satire, Paradox, and the Plurality of Discourses in Cinquecento Italy Guest-edited by Stefano Jossa and Ambra Moroncini

Table of contents (25 articles)

  1. Comedy, Satire, Paradox, and the Plurality of Discourses in Cinquecento Italy: Introduction


  1. Sex and Marriage in Machiavelli’s Mandragola: A Close(t) Reading
  2. Ariosto’s Astute Arrogance: The Construction of the Comic City in La Lena
  3. Érasme, l’Arétin et Boccace dans l’invention du discours comique-burlesque d’Annibal Caro
  4. The Reception of Fernando de Roja’s Celestina in Italy: A Polyphonic Discourse
  5. Bodily Passions: Physiognomy and Drama in Giovan Battista Della Porta
  6. Self-Portraits of a Truthful Liar: Satire, Truth-Telling, and Courtliness in Ludovico Ariosto’s Satire and Orlando Furioso
  7. “E poi in Roma ognuno è Aretino”: Pasquino, Aretino, and the Concealed Self
  8. “Il ridervi de la goffezza del dire” : Niccolò Franco et la satire napolitaine du pétrarquisme
  9. Burlesque Connotations in the Pictorial Language in Bronzino’s Poetry


Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Bjaï, Denis, éd. La Sepmaine de Du Bartas, ses lecteurs et la science du temps. En hommage à Yvonne Bellenger. Actes du Colloque international d’Orléans (12–13 juin 2014)
  2. Cavallo, Jo Ann. The World beyond Europe in the Romance Epic of Boiardo and Ariosto
  3. Cornic, Sylvain and Pierre Servet, eds. L’art de la conciliation
  4. Desrosiers, Diane et Christian Veilleux, éds. L’écriture des femmes à la Renaissance française II
  5. Dupuis, Margaret and Grace Tiffany, eds. Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew
  6. Gambara, Veronica. Complete Poems: A Bilingual Edition. Ed. and trans. Molly M. Martin and Paola Ugolini. Critical intro. Molly M. Martin
  7. Goodrich, Jaime. Faithful Translators: Authorship, Gender, and Religion in Early Modern England
  8. Middleton, Thomas. A Trick to Catch the Old One. Ed. Paul A. Mulholland
  9. Pérez Fernández, José María and Edward Wilson-Lee, eds. Translation and the Book Trade in Early Modern Europe / Demetriou, Tania and Rowan Tomlinson, eds. The Culture of Translation in Early Modern England and France, 1500–1660
  10. Rivoletti, Christian. Ariosto e l’ironia della finzione. La ricezione letteraria e figurativa dell’Orlando furioso in Francia, Germania e Italia
  11. Roudaut, François. Sur le sonnet 31 des Regrets. Éléments d’histoire des idées à la Renaissance
  12. Scève, Maurice. OEuvres complètes: Tome V. Microcosme, ed. Michèle Clément
  13. Souiller, Didier, ed. Maniérisme et Littérature
  14. Worth-Stylianou, Valerie, ed. and trans. Pregnancy and Birth in Early Modern France: Treatises by Caring Physicians and Surgeons (1581–1625): François Rousset, Jean Liebault, Jacques Guillemeau, Jacques Duval and Louis De Serres

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