Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 45, Number 1, 1990

Table of contents (24 articles)


  1. La conciliation volontaire est-elle plus efficace que la conciliation obligatoire? Le cas du Québec
  2. The Effect of Mediators' Qualities and Strategies on Mediation Outcomes
  3. Le harcèlement sexuel au travail: Résultats de deux études québécoises
  4. Innovation by Negotiation: Case Studies Among British White-Collar Unions
  5. Private Sector Unions and Strategic Planning: A Research Agenda
  6. Le coût des accidents du travail: État des connaissances
  7. Factors Behind the Changes in Canada's Family Income Distribution and the Share of the Middle Class
  8. The Regulation of Strike Law in Times of New Technologies and Deregulation: The Case of West Germany
  9. Contradictions and Limitations of Final Offer Selection: The Manitoba Experience
  10. Contradictions and Limitations of Final Offer Selection: The Manitoba Experience. A Comment.


  1. The Role of the State in Industrial Relations: A Comment
  2. Décisions rendues par le Conseil cannadien des relations du travail
  3. Changements dans les législations du travail au Canada

Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. Hélène David : Femmes et emploi : le défi de l'égalité. Montréal, Les Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1986, 477 pp., ISBN 2-7605-0393-3
  2. Jean-Michel PLASSARD : Discrimination sur le marché du travail et information imparfaite. Éditions du CNRS, France, 1987, 386 pp., ISBN 2-222-04077-9
  3. Alan GLADSTONE, Russel D. LANSBURY, Jack STIEBER, T. TREU, M. WEISS : Current Issues in Labour Relations : An international Perspective. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1989, 380 pp., ISBN 0-89925-471-3
  4. Charles C. Heckscher : The New Unionism : Employee Involvement in the Changing Corporation. New York, Basic Books, 1988, 320 pp., ISBN 0-465-05098-0
  5. Richard HYMAN, Wolfgang STREECK : New Technology and Industrial Relations. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988, 309 pp., ISBN 0-631-15982-7
  6. Thomas C. KOCHAN, Harry C. KATZ : Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations. Irwin Series in Management and the Behavioural Sciences, Homewood, 1988, 496 pp., ISBN 0-256-030205-1
  7. W.J. ROTHWELL, H.C. KAZANAS : Strategic Human Resources Planning and Management. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1988, 512 pp., ISBN 0-13-851643-X
  8. Paul D. STAUDOHAR : The Sports Industry and Collective Bargaining. ILR Press, Cornell University, 1986, 195 pp., ISBN 0-87546-118-2
  9. Alicja KOZDROJ : Grupa pracownicza jako przedmiot i podmiot motywowania. The Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Management, Wroclaw Ossolineum, 1988, 307 pp., ISBN 83-04-02806-9
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