Science of Nursing and Health Practices
Science infirmière et pratiques en santé

Volume 4, Number 2, 2021

Table of contents (8 articles)

Éditorial / Editorial

Éditorial invité / Invited Editorial

Articles de recherche empirique / Empirical research articles

  1. Croyances associées à la participation à une activité de dépistage des infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang chez des élèves de 4e et 5e secondaire
  2. Implementation Intention Strategy to Reduce Salt Intake among Heart Failure Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  3. What are the Needs of People Living in Remote Areas About the Essential Components of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program?
  4. Violence Prevention Climate Scale: Translation, Adaptation, and Psychometric Assessment of the French Canadian Version
  5. Interrater Reliability of a Tool Measuring the Quality of Nursing Triage in the Emergency Department

Article de protocole de recherche / Research protocol article

  1. Examining the Concept of Healthcare Trajectories in Older Adults With Major Neurocognitive Disorder Using the ‘6W’ Multidimensional Model of Care Trajectories: A Mixed Methods Systematic Review Protocol


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