Volume 44, numéro 3, été 2021 Digital Approaches to John Milton Approches numériques de l’oeuvre de John Milton Sous la direction de Richard Cunningham et Harvey Quamen
Sommaire (50 articles)
Digital Approaches to John Milton
Fieldwork in the Sonnet: Milton, Donne, and Critical Orthodoxy
A Comparator for the First and Second Editions of John Milton’s Paradise Lost
John Milton’s Network and the Republic of Letters
Stylometry without Words: Analyzing John Milton’s Grammatical Style
De Doctrina Christiana and Milton’s Canonical Works: Revisiting the Authorship Question
Digital Resource Reviews / Comptes-rendus sur les ressources numériques
Introduction: Special Issue, Spatial Humanities
Ó Siochrú, Mícheál, principal investigator. The Down Survey of Ireland Project. Other
Chinese Collections Digitization Project, Digital Bodleian, project creator. Selden Map of China. MS.Selden supra 105. Other
Nevola, Fabrizio, David Rosenthal, Sharon Strocchia, Nicholas Terpstra, Colin Rose, Julia Rombough, Daniel Jamison, and François Penz, project creators. Hidden Florence. Other
Terpstra, Nicholas, and Colin Rose, principal investigators. Digitally Encoded Census Information & Mapping Archive (DECIMA). Other
Prickman, Greg, Andrew Holland, and Robert Shepard, project team. The Atlas of Early Printing. Other
Murrieta-Flores, Patricia, principal investigator. Digging into Early Colonial Mexico: A Large-Scale Computational Analysis of Historical Sources from the Sixteenth Century. Other
Jenstad, Janelle, project dir. Map of Early Modern London. Other
Horodowich, Elizabeth, and Alexandre Nagel, project creators. Amerasia: An Inquiry into Early Modern Imaginative Geography. Other
Muri, Alison, dir. The Grub Street Project. Other
Barker, Elton, Leif Isaksen, Rebecca Kahn, Rainer Simon, Valeria Vitale, and the Pelagios Network, project creators. Recogito: Semantic Annotation without the Pointy Brackets. Other
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Acciarino, Damiano, ed. Paradigms of Renaissance Grotesques
Alexander, Gavin, Emma Gilby, and Alexander Marr, eds. The Places of Early Modern Criticism
Badea, Andreea, Bruno Boute, Marco Cavarzere, and Steven Vanden Broecke, eds. Making Truth in Early Modern Catholicism
Bernard-Pradelle, Laurence, Christine de Buzon, Jean-Eudes Girot et Raphaële Mouren, éds. Marc Antoine Muret, un humaniste français en Italie
Bertolio, Johnny L. Il trattato “De interpretatione recta” di Leonardo Bruni
Christiansen, Keith, and Carlo Falciani, eds. The Medici: Portraits and Politics 1512–1570
Cleland, Katharine. Irregular Unions: Clandestine Marriage in Early Modern English Literature
D’Arista, Carla. The Pucci of Florence: Patronage and Politics in Renaissance Italy
Desan, Philippe et Véronique Ferrer, éds. Penser et agir à la Renaissance. Thought and Action in the Renaissance
Dunn-Lardeau, Brenda, éd. Catalogue raisonné des livres d’Heures conservés au Québec
Fiorani, Francesca. The Shadow Drawing: How Science Taught Leonardo How to Paint
Foister, Susan, and Peter van den Brink. Dürer’s Journeys: Travels of a Renaissance Artist
Francesconi, Federica. Invisible Enlighteners: The Jewish Merchants of Modena, from the Renaissance to the Emancipation
Geng, Penelope. Communal Justice in Shakespeare’s England: Drama, Law, and Emotion
Hall, David D. The Puritans: A Transatlantic History
Hohti Erichsen, Paula. Artisans, Objects, and Everyday Life in Renaissance Italy: The Material Culture of the Middling Class
Holtz, Grégoire. Paganisme et humanisme. La Renaissance française au miroir de la Vie d’Apollonius de Tyane
Klaassen, Frank, and Sharon Hubbs Wright, ed. and trans. The Magic of Rogues: Necromancers in Early Tudor England
Knecht, Ross. The Grammar Rules of Affection: Passion and Pedagogy in Sidney, Shakespeare, and Jonson
Lagioia, Vincenzo, Maria Pia Paoli, and Rossella Rinaldi, eds. La fama delle donne. Pratiche femminili e società tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna
Mackay, Christopher S. “An Unusual Inquisition”: Translated Documents from Heinricus Institoris’s Witch Hunts of Ravensburg and Innsbruck
Marinella, Lucrezia. Love Enamored and Driven Mad. Ed. and trans. Janet E. Gomez and Maria Galli Stampino
Maupas, Charles. Grammaire et syntaxe françoise. Ed. Nathalie Fournier
Miani, Valeria. Amorous Hope, A Pastoral Play: A Bilingual Edition. Ed. and trans. Alexandra Coller
Nagel, Alexander, and Giancarla Periti, eds. Ravenna in the Imagination of Renaissance Art
Rothman, E. Natalie. The Dragoman Renaissance: Diplomatic Interpreters and the Routes of Orientalism
Rubin, Miri. Cities of Strangers: Making Lives in Medieval Europe
Schmitt, Natalie Crohn. Performing Commedia dell’Arte, 1570–1630
Scott, Amanda L. The Basque Seroras: Local Religion, Gender, and Power in Northern Iberia, 1550–1800
Skelton, Kimberley, ed. Early Modern Spaces in Motion: Design, Experience and Rhetoric
Suthor, Nicola. Bravura: Virtuosity and Ambition in Early Modern European Painting
Vessey, Mark, ed. Erasmus on Literature: His Ratio or “System” of 1518/1519. Translated with commentary by Robert D. Sider. Foreword by Anthony Grafton