Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada

Volume 20, numéro 1, 1999

Sommaire (11 articles)

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    The Construction and Deconstruction of Border Zones in Fronteras Americanas by Guillermo Verdecchia and Amigo's Blue Guitar by Joan MacLeod
    Yvan Bienvenue and the Conte Urbain
    Transgressive Storytelling or an Aesthetic of Injury: Performance, Pedagogy and Ethics
    Mike is the Message: Performing the Common Sense Revolution

Documentary Feature/ Chronique Documentaire

    Translations of Four Réceptions In the Tradition of Lescarbot and Company
    Introduction to the Translations
    The Réception for Saint-Vallier (Quebec 1727)
    The Réception for Saint-Alexis (Quebec 1797)
    Pastorale for Jean-Baptiste Chicoineau (Montreal 1800)
    Bouquet for M. Roque (Montreal 1810)

Contributors / Collaborateurs

Anciens numéros de Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada