Canadian Journal of Music
Revue canadienne de musique

Volume 31, Number 1, 2010 Contemplating Caplin Guest-edited by James Wright and Alexis Luko

Table of contents (18 articles)

Editorial Note

Contemplating Caplin

  1. A Note from the Editors
  2. Clementi’s “Progressive Sonatinas,” Op. 36: Sonata semplice or Mediating Genre between Minuet and Sonata Design?
  3. Closure in Classical Themes: The Role of Melody and Texture in Cadences, Closural Function, and the Separated Cadence
  4. Two-Part Transition or Two-Part Subordinate Theme?
  5. In Memoriam Carl Wiens
  6. William Caplin Responds


  1. Formal Mixture in the Sonata-Form Movements of Middle- and Late-Period Beethoven
  2. Poésie et musique : L’Horizon chimérique, de Jean de la Ville de Mirmont à Gabriel Fauré


  1. Jean Molino et les histoires de la musique : de nouveaux modèles pour les réécritures de l’histoire

Book Reviews / Recensions

  1. Theodore Gracyk and Andrew Kania, eds. 2011. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-48603-3
  2. Alan Gillmor, ed. Eagle Minds: Selected Correspondence of Istvan Anhalt and George Rochberg, 1961–2005. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2007. xliii, 426 pp. ISBN 978-1-55458-018-7
  3. Mark Spicer and John Covach, eds. 2010. Sounding Out Pop: Analytical Essays in Popular Music. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ix, 265 pp. ISBN 978-0-472-03400-0
  4. Analytical Approaches to World Music 1, no. 1.
  5. Mondher Ayari et Hamdi Makhlouf, dir. 2010. Musique, signification et émotion. Sampzon : Delatour France, 392 p. ISBN 987-2-7521-0077-1 (couverture souple)
  6. James Deaville, éd. 2011. Music in Television: Channels of Listening. New York, NY : Routledge. Coll. « Routledge Music and Screen Media Series », xi, 239 p. ISBN 978-0-415-88136-4 (couverture souple)
  7. William Moylan. 2007. Understanding and Crafting the Mix : The Art of Recording. 2e éd. Burlington, MA : Focal Press, 2007. xxviii, 396 pp. ISBN 978-0-240-80755-3 (couverture souple)
  8. Vincent Giroud. 2010. French Opera. A Short History. Yale : Yale University Press, 366 p. ISBN 978-0-300-11765-3 (couverture rigide)

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