Canadian journal of library and information practice and research
Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en bibliothéconomie et sciences de l’information

Volume 15, Number 1, 2020 Special issue on Canadian library associations

Table of contents (13 articles)

Editor's Comments / Commentaires de la rédactrice

  1. Editorial Comments

Theory and Research / Théorie et recherche

  1. Racialized Youth in the Public Library: Systemic Racism Through a Critical Theory Lens
  2. In Search of Shifting and Emergent Librarian Identities: A Philosophical Approach to the Librarian Identity Problem
  3. Numeracy Programming at Major Canadian Urban Libraries: An Exploratory Study
  4. Reducing Hardships: Student Motivations, Educational Workflows, and Technology Choices in Academic Settings
  5. Libros Para Pueblos: An Exploratory Case Study

Innovations in Practice / Innovations en pratique

  1. Conveying Complexity in Contemporary Academic Library Service Models

Features / En vedette

  1. Shift Happens: The Recent Evolution of Canadian Library Associations
  2. From the Canadian Library Association to the Canadian Federation of Library Associations: A Confluence of Evolution and Circumstance
  3. Leading Change and Restructuring the Manitoba Library Association
  4. La Fédération des milieux documentaires (FMD) : une fédération d’associations et d’institutions
  5. The CARL Portage Partnership Story
  6. “Spinning In”: The Merger of with the Canadian Research Knowledge Network / Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche


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