Volume 5, Number 1, 1978
Table of contents (30 articles)
Universities Art Association of Canada: Report on the 1978 Annual Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, 22-25 February 1978
An Exploration of Patterns in World History Through Arts, ca. 600 to ca. 400 BC: Report on the 1977 Institute in Cross-Cultural Studies sponsored by the Department of History in Art, University of Victoria in collaboration with the Institute for the Study of Universal History, 4 July–17 August 1977
Expositions / Exhibitions
Lawren Harris at Toronto / Lawren S. Harris: Urban Scenes and Wilderness Landscapes, 1906-1930. An exhibition held at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, 14 January–26 February, 1978
Frederic Marlett Bell-Smith / Frederic Marlett Bell-Smith. An exhibition organized by the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, and held September 1977; circulated to Calgary, Oshawa, Stratford, Kingston, London, and Windsor, November 1977 — July 1978
Dutch Townscape at Toronto / The Dutch Cityscape in the 17th Century and its Sources. An exhibition held at the Amsterdams Historisch Museum, Amsterdam, 17 June–28 August 1977, and the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, 27 September–13 November 1977
Les expositions de l’année au Canada, 1977 / The Year’s Exhibitions in Canada, 1977
Livres / Books
Jean Simard, Une iconographie du clergé français au XVIIe siècle. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 1976. 264 + xxiii pp., illus.
Edward H. Dahl, Hélène Espesset, Marc Lafrance, Thiery Ruddel, La ville de Québec, 1800-1850 : un inventaire de cartes et plans. Ottawa, Musée national de l’Homme, collection Mercure, division de l’Histoire, dossier no 13, 1975. 423 pp., 79 illus., $5.00
Christina Cameron et Jean Trudel, Québec au temps de James Patterson Cockburn. Québec, Garneau, 1976. 176 pp., 162 illus., $25.00. Version anglaise intitulée The Drawings of James Patterson Cockburn: A Visit through Quebec's Past. Agincourt, Ont., Gage, 1976
Russell Harper, William G.R. Hind. Canadian Artists Series / Collection: Artistes canadiens, no. 2. Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, 1976. 91 pp., illus., $3.95 (paper) / François-Marc Gagnon, Paul-Émile Borduas. Canadian Artists Series / Collection: Artistes canadiens, no. 3. Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, 1976. 95 pp., illus., $3.95 (paper) / Dennis Reid, Edwin H. Holgate. Canadian Artists Series / Collection: Artistes canadiens, no. 4. Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, 1976. 87 pp., illus., $3.95 (paper)
Winifred Petchey Marsh, People of the Willow: The Padlimiut Tribe of the Caribou Eskimo. Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1976. 63 pp., illus., $9.95
Nancy Heller and Julia Williams, The Regionalists. New York, Watson-Guptill, 1976. 208 pp., 142 illus., $35.00
John Sergeant, Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses. The Case for Organic Architecture. New York, Whitney Library of Design (Watson-Guptill Publications), 1976. 207 pp., illus., $28.25
J.J. Coulton, Ancient Greek Architects at Work. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1977. 196 pp., 84 illus., $15.00
Marcell Restle, Reclams Kunstführer Istanbul, Bursa, Edirne, Iznik. Stuttgart, Philipp Reclam Jr., 1977. 632 pp., 64 illus., dm. 42,80
Images of Love and Death in Late Medieval and Renaissance Art. The University of Michigan Museum of Art.21 Nov. 1975–24 Jan. 1976, Essays by Clifton C. Olds and Ralph G. Williams; Catalogue by William R. Levin. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1976. 132 pp., 68 illus.
Anne Markham Schulz, The Sculpture of Bernardo Rossellino and his Workshop. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1977. 176 + xxiii pp., 225 illus., $35.00
Egon Verheyen, The Palazzo del Te in Mantua: Images of Love and Politics. Baltimore and London, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977. 156 + xvi pp., 84 illus., $22.50
H. James Jensen, The Muses’ Concord — Literature, Music and the Visual Arts in the Baroque Age. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1976. 320 pp., illus., $12.95
H.H. Arnason, The Sculptures of Houdon. New York, Oxford University Press, 1975. 294 + x pp., 393 illus., $54.75
Anne Coffin Hanson, Manet and the Modern Tradition. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1977. 222 + xvii pp., 135 illus., $25.00
Claire Jones, Robert Gordon, Jean-Marie Toulgouat et Andrew Forge, Monet at Giverny. Londres, Matthews Miller Dunbar, 1975. 144 pp., illus.
Sheila Weiner, Ajanta: Its Place in Buddhist Art. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977. 214 pp., illus., $14.75
Simon Ottenberg, Masked Rituals of Afikpo: The Context of an African Art. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1975. 229 pp., 85 illus., $25.00
Rudolf Arnheim, The Dynamics of Architectural Form. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977. 289 + vi pp., illus., $14.95