Volume 40, Number 2, 2015 Design Studies in Canada (and beyond) : The State of the Field Les études du design au Canada (et au-delà) : un état des lieux Guest-edited by Keith Bresnahan, Brian Donnelly and Martin Racine
Table of contents (17 articles)
Editorial Note / Mot de l’équipe de rédaction
Introduction: Design Studies in Canada (and Beyond): The State of the Field / Introduction : les études du design au Canada (et au-delà) : un état des lieux
A Design History of Design: Complexity, Criticality, and Cultural Competence
Design Studies in Canada?
Hazen Edward Sise and the History of Modern Architecture at McGill, 1949–1957
Designing Public Radio in Canada
Nationalism and Modernism: Rethinking Scandinavian Design in Canada, 1950–1970
Le design comme vecteur de changement social, les initiatives de Julien Hébert au Québec dans les années 1960 et 1970
Is Sustainability Reorienting the Visual Expression of Architecture?
L’apport des théories du design aux game studies : nouvelles perspectives en design de jeux vidéo
Drawing Out Illustration History in Canada
From Typographer to Graphic Designer: Typographic Exhibitions and the Formation of a Graphic Design Profession in Canada in the 1950s and 1960s
The Inversion of Originality through Design
Reviews / Recensions
Sandra Alfoldy, The Allied Arts: Architecture and Craft in Postwar Canada, Montreal/Kingston : McGill Queen’s University Press, 2012, 227 pp. 11 colour plates, 52 b&w illustrations, $ 39.45 (paper), $95.00 (cloth), ISBN9780773539600 (cloth), 9780773540033 (paper)
Louis Martin, ed., On Architecture : Melvin Charney : A Critical Anthology, Montréal & Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013, 483 pp. 350 illustrations, n&b et couleur, $ 49.95, ISBN9780773541825
Marc H. Choko, Michèle Lefebvre et Danielle Léger, Destination Québec : Une histoire illustrée du tourisme Montréal, Éditions de l’Homme, 2013, 256 p., ISBN 978-2-7619-3499-2