Historical Papers
Communications historiques

Volume 10, numéro 1, 1975 Edmonton 1975

Sommaire (14 articles)

  1. Graduate Studies in History in Canada: The Growth of Doctoral Programmes*
  2. Marriage, Family and Social Structure in an Early Modern German Town
  3. Sens et portée du XVIIIe siècle en Amérique latine : le cas du Centre‑Ouest mexicain
  4. An Essay on the Mexican Viceroys During the War of Independence: The Question of Legitimacy*
  5. An Exercise in Futility: The Joint Commission on Indian Land in British Columbia, 1875‑1880
  6. The Man Who Did Not Go To California
  7. Edward Ellice and the Decision for Self‑Government, 1839
  8. Looking Back at Rideau Hall
  9. The Colonial Encounter: The Ideas of Auguste Comte in Nineteenth Century Bengal
  10. The Industrial Workers of the World in Western Canada: 1905‑1914*
  11. The Fate of City Beautiful Thought in Canada, 1893‑1930
  12. The Canadian‑American Irrigation Frontier Revisited: The International Origins of Irrigation in Southern Alberta, 1885‑1909
  13. Bureaucratic Opposition as a Factor in Truman’s Failure to Achieve a Columbia Valley Authority
  14. Papers not Printed/Communications non imprimées

Anciens numéros de Historical Papers / Communications historiques