Historical Papers
Communications historiques

Volume 15, numéro 1, 1980 Montréal 1980

Sommaire (18 articles)

  1. Presidential Address: Biography in Canadian History
  2. Pioneers and Police on the Canadian Prairies, 1885‑1914
  3. The Great March of the Mounted Police in Popular Literature, 1873‑1973
  4. Lawful Occasions: Imperial Control in the 1680s
  5. The Impact of British Military Spending on the Colonial American Money Markets, 1760‑1783
  6. Trouble in the Hives of Industry: The Cotton Industry Comes to Milltown, New Brunswick, 1879‑1892
  7. The Treatment of Tramps in Late Nineteenth‑Century Toronto
  8. Wooden Horses and Rubber Cows: Training British Agricultural Labour for the Canadian Prairies, 1890‑1930
  9. Technocracy or Democracy? Technical High Schools and the Question of Secondary School Reform in France, 1918‑1947
  10. Science anthropologique et racisme à l’époque de l’expansion coloniale : le cas du Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle de Pierre Larousse
  11. “A Place to Stand”: Families, Land and Permanence in Toronto Gore Township, 1820-1890
  12. Distinguished Historian’s Address: The Last Ten Years in British Labour Historiography
  13. War Guilt Propaganda Conducted by the German Foreign Ministry During the 1920s
  14. Résumés
  15. Our Contributors/Nos auteurs
  16. Obituaries/Nécrologie
  17. Unpublished Papers/Communications non imprimées
  18. Robert Craig Brown

Anciens numéros de Historical Papers / Communications historiques