McGill Journal of Education
Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill

Volume 46, numéro 1, winter 2011 When Adult Education Invites Itself to the Debate About Teacher Development Sous la direction de Philippe Maubant

Sommaire (12 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

Articles / Les articles

  1. A Discursive Approach to Recognition in the Practicum
  2. Braided Stories and Bricolaged Symbols: Critical reflection and transformative learning theory for teachers
  3. Professional Constructs of Future Teachers in Special Education within the Context of Remedial Guidance for Adults with Minimal Schooling
  4. An Element of Practical Knowledge in Education: Professional routines
  5. Tacit Knowledge: Revisiting the epistemology of knowledge
  6. Toward a Transformation of Practices in Teacher Education
  7. Faculty Conceptions of Teaching: Implications for teacher professional development
  8. History and Perspectives of Adult Education and Professional Teacher Education: Between complicity, distance, and recognition
  9. Teacher Education in Light of a Few Principles, Theories, and Studies on Vocational Training and Adult Education

Book Reviews / Critiques de livres

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