Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 39, numéro 1, hiver 2016

Sommaire (30 articles)


  1. Milton’s Paradise Lost: Previously Unrecognized Allusions to the Aurora Borealis, and a Solution to the Comet Conundrum in Book 2
  2. Velázquez’s Democritus: Global Disillusion and the Critical Hermeneutics of a Smile
  3. Recasting Recantation in 1540s England: Thomas Becon, Robert Wisdom, and Robert Crowley
  4. Tommaso Campanella in the Schulmetaphysik: The Doctrine of the Three Primalities and the Case of the Lutheran Liborius Capsius (1589–1654) in Erfurt
  5. Monstrous Births and Imaginations: Authorship and Folklore in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream


Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Armstrong, Guyda, Rhiannon Daniels, and Stephen J. Milner, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Boccaccio
  2. Belleforest, François de. Le cinquiesme tome des histoires tragiques. Édition critique par Hervé-Thomas Campangne
  3. Calabritto, Monica and Peter Daly, eds. Emblems of Death in the Early Modern Period
  4. Clare, Janet. Shakespeare’s Stage Traffic: Imitation, Borrowing and Competition in Renaissance Theatre
  5. Crousaz, Karine et Solfaroli, Daniela, éds. Pierre Viret et la diffusion de la Réforme. Pensée, action, contextes religieux
  6. Davis, Nick. Early Modern Writing and the Privatization of Experience
  7. De L’Estoile, Pierre. Journal du règne de Henri IV. Tome 2 : 1592–1594 (transcription Ms fr. 10299 et 25004 de la BnF). Dir. Gilbert Schrenck, éd. Xavier Le Person, glossaire par Volker Mecking
  8. De Sauza, Guillaume et Élise Rajchenbach-Teller, éds. Charles Fontaine. Un humaniste parisien à Lyon
  9. Erasmus, Desiderius. Moria de Erasmo Roterodamo. A Critical Edition of the Early Modern Spanish Translation of Erasmus’s Encomium Moriae. Éds. Jorge Ledo et Harm den Boer, notes de Jorge Ledo
  10. Erler, Mary C. Reading and Writing during the Dissolution: Monks, Friars, and Nuns 1530–1558 / Kuskin, William. Recursive Origins: Writing at the Transition to Modernity
  11. Gabriele, Mino. La Porta magica di Roma simbolo dell’alchimia occidentale
  12. Giacomo-Charra, Violaine et Christine Silvi, éds. Lire, choisir, écrire : la vulgarisation des savoirs du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance
  13. Houston, Chloë. The Renaissance Utopia: Dialogue, Travel and the Ideal Society
  14. Kahn, Victoria. The Future of Illusion: Political Theology and Early Modern Texts
  15. Kyd, Thomas. The Spanish Tragedy: Authoritative Text, Sources and Context, Criticism. Ed. Michael Neill
  16. Lesser, Zachary. Hamlet after Q1: An Uncanny History of the Shakespearean Text
  17. Maryks, Robert Aleksander, ed. A Companion to Ignatius of Loyola: Life, Writings, Spirituality, Influence
  18. Posset, Franz. Unser Martin: Martin Luther aus der Sicht katholischer Sympathisanten
  19. Reeves, Eileen. Evening News: Optics, Astronomy, and Journalism in Early Modern Europe
  20. Skinner, Quentin. Forensic Shakespeare
  21. Sobecki, Sebastian. Unwritten Verities: The Making of England’s Vernacular Legal Culture, 1463–1549
  22. Teskey, Gordon. The Poetry of John Milton
  23. Tyard, Pontus de. OEuvres complètes. Tome III. Mantice, ou Discours de la verité de Divination par Astrologie. Texte établi, introduit et annoté par Jean Céard
  24. Vester, Matthew, ed. Sabaudian Studies: Political Culture, Dynasty, and Territory 1400–1700

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