Revue générale de droit

Volume 43, Special Issue, 2013 Justice environnementale et droits humains : comprendre les tensions et explorer les possibilités Environmental Justice and Human Rights: Investigating the Tensions, Exploring the Possibilities

Table of contents (10 articles)

  1. Justice environnementale et droits humains : comprendre les tensions et explorer les possibilités : présentation / Environmental Justice and Human Rights: Investigating the Tensions, Exploring the Possibilities: Presentation
  2. The Networked Infrastructure of Fossil Capitalism: Implications of the New Pipeline Debates for Environmental Justice in Canada
  3. Environmental Justice and Human Rights on the Mining Wastelands of the Witwatersrand Gold Fields
  4. International and Domestic Law Dimensions of Climate Justice for Arctic Indigenous Peoples
  5. Contesting the Limits of Consultation in the Amazon Region: On Indigenous Peoples’ Demands for Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Bolivia and Peru
  6. Environmental Discrimination and the Charter’s Equality Guarantee: The Case of Drinking Water for First Nations Living on Reserves
  7. Une archéologie philosophique des normes environnementales : biopolitique et droit des peuples autochtones
  8. Putting Property in its Place: Relational Theory, Environmental Rights and Land Use Planning
  9. After the Honeymoon: The Uneasy Marriage of Human Rights and the Environment Under the European Convention on Human Rights and in UK Law Under the Human Rights Act 1998
  10. Regards croisés sur la justice environnementale en droit états-unien et en droit européen

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