Revue générale de droit

Managing editor(s): Michelle Giroux (Directrice)



Revue générale de droit

The Revue générale de droit is the journal of the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Law - Civil Law Section. Since 1970, the Revue has published, in French or in English, original articles addressing legal phenomena in the broad sense as well as socio-legal issues through diverse scientific approaches, including inter- and multidisciplinary approaches, comparative law and critical positivism. As such, the Revue has published scholarly articles on various contemporary topics including street gangs, analysis methods on the impact of children's rights, environmental justice, human rights and the environment, financial deviance, weakened confidence towards the investment industry, Aboriginal customary adoption and the conclusion of treaties between the federal Crown and Aboriginal peoples. More generally, the Revue has also published texts regarding current issues faced by the State and civil society in a world marked by rapid technological evolution, market volatility, diverging individual and collective interests and plural human relationships.

The Revue also welcomes critical book reviews and case comments in French or English. To ensure their quality, all articles submitted to the Revue générale de droit are subjected to a rigorous peer-review process by two academic experts in the field covered by the article. The Revue is managed by the Director, who is a tenured professor from the Faculty of Law's Civil Law Section, and is assisted by an administrative assistant, as well as the journal's faculty and scientific committees. The Revue générale de droit is published twice a year, in June and in December.

Two prizes are awarded annually to authors having published in the Revue générale de droit.

Germain-Brière Award

Established in honour of Professor Germain Brière, who was Professor Emeritus at the Civil Law Section, the prize is awarded annually to the best article published in the Revue by a junior author (less than 10 years since the first university degree) or senior author, on an alternating yearly basis.

Johane-Paris Award

Established in honour of Ms. Johane Paris, who was an administrative assistant of publications at the Revue for more than thirty years, the prize of a minimal amount of $400 is awarded annually to the best paper published in the Revue whose author is a student enrolled in a Faculty of Law.


Annuaire de jurisprudence du Québec; Canadian Current Law; Current Law Index; Index to Canadian Legal Periodical Literature; Index Gagnon; Index to Legal Periodicals; Instrument de recherche juridique; Legal Recourse Index; Periodicals in Canadian Law Libraries; Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory


Contact information



Mail:      Revue générale de droit

             University of Ottawa

             Faculty of Law

             Civil Law Section

             57 Louis-Pasteur Street, suite 507

             Ottawa, Ontario

             CANADA  K1N 6N5


Telephone: 613-562-5792


Fax:           613-562-5694



A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.

Print version subscription:

Requests for subscription to the print edition of the Revue générale de droit must be addressed to Éditions Wilson & Lafleur inc.:

Éditions Wilson & Lafleur inc.

40 Notre-Dame Street East

Montréal, Québec


H2Y 1B9

Tel.: 514-875-6326

Fax: 514-875-8356





Back issues (156 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Editorial Policy

The Revue is published twice a year, in June and December. Authors are kindly, asked to comply with the following submissions instructions.

I. Exclusivity and copyright

The Revue publishes only original and unpublished texts that have not been published in any form, or which have not been simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

The author grants permission to the Revue to publish his or her article, and agrees not to publish or have published, the same text elsewhere, in any form, including on the SSRN (Social Science Research Network) website, within 90 days following its publication in the Revue générale de droit.

These rights and obligations are established in a publishing and distribution contract to be signed by the parties after the manuscript is accepted for publication. After the expiry of this 90-day period, the author is free to publish his or her text elsewhere, provided that a mention is added on the first page that the article has already been published in the Revue générale de droit and that the reference is indicated.

II. Physical presentation of manuscript

A. Limit. The Revue générale de droit welcomes authors to limit the length of their manuscripts to approximately 15 000 words, including footnotes. Texts whose length excessively exceeds this limit may not be considered for publication.

B. Layout. Texts should be double-spaced, letter sized format (21,5 x 28 cm / 8,5 x 11 in.) in MS Word format.

C. Citation style. Authors are asked to follow the citation method established in the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 8th Edition (Toronto: Carswell, 2014). Footnotes must be double-spaced.

D. The author must indicate his or her position, degrees held, institutional affiliations and all other relevant information, using an asterisk after his or her name.

E. Abstract, keywords and table of contents. Manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract in both French and English, consisting of a single paragraph for each language, not exceeding 250 words, and a minimum of 6 keywords, in each language. A table of contents must precede the article, consisting of the divisions and subdivisions of the text. These must refer to the pages of the text and be inserted into the text. The Revue générale de droit adheres to the following order of subdivisions:

I. Heading

   A. Headng

       1. Heading

           a. Heading

               i. Heading

III. Evaluation and editing process of the manuscript

Articles are assessed both on the content (originality, rigor and depth of analysis, contribution to the advancement of knowledge; interest that the text can generate in scientific and legal communities) as well as the form (literary quality, logic and effectiveness of the structure, rigorous use of references and footnotes). The decision whether to publish a manuscript is dependent on the reports of the two external evaluators; these reports are usually given to the author of the manuscript for consultation within four to eight weeks of having submitting the manuscript to the Revue. Based on these reports, the author of the manuscript is invited to make the changes or clarifications deemed essential by the evaluators. A period of one to four weeks is usually granted to the author to make these changes, depending on the nature and extent of the modifications proposed. Once the author has received galley proofs of his or her text, he or she has five working days to review them. At this stage, major changes to the text are not normally accepted, unless the state of the law has changed, from the date of acceptance of the manuscript, to the point that the article must be updated.

IV. Complimentary copie for the author

Author will be provided with an electronic copy of the final version of his article.

V. Contact information of the Revue générale de droit

By email:

By mail:         Revue générale de droit

                     University of Ottawa

                     Faculty of Law

                     Civil Law Section

                     57 Louis-Pasteur Street, suite 507

                     Ottawa, Ontario

                     CANADA   K1N 6N5

VI. Policy on plagiarism

The Revue wishes to stress its anti-plagiarism policy. The Revue adopts the definition of "Plagiarism" found on the site of the University of Ottawa Library (

"Plagiarism is a form of academic fraud that occurs when you don't properly cite a source. [...]

You're plagiarizing when you:

  • Use another person's work or ideas (copy and paste text, images, etc.) without citing the original source.
  • Attempt to pass off someone else's work as your own.
  • Quote, summarize or paraphrase in your work without citing the original source.
  • Change words or phrases but copy the sentence structure of a source and don't cite the original author."

(See also:

Self-recycling, which consists of reusing previously published paper and to submit it to the Revue, is also a form of plagiarism.

The Revue reserves the right:

  1. to systematically screen submitted articles with an anti-plagiarism software;
  2. to reject the text;
  3. in cases of major plagiarism, to notify the victims of plagiarism (author(s) and publisher(s)) as well as any other person concerned (for example, thesis supervisor, university, etc.);
  4. to ban the author of plagiarism from publishing in the Revue in the future;
  5. if plagiarism is discovered after the article was published, to immediately remove the article from its site (and from Érudit's site) and to state the reasons for this withdrawal and to notify the victims of plagiarism as well as any other person concerned.

VII. Long-term archiving

Portico assures durable and long-term archiving.



Politique sur le plagiat

La Revue tient à souligner sa politique antiplagiat. La Revue adopte la définition de « plagiat » qui se trouve sur le site de la Bibliothèque de l'Université d'Ottawa ( :

« Le plagiat, c'est omettre de créditer adéquatement une source d'information.


Il y a plagiat quand vous :

  • utilisez le travail ou les idées d'une autre personne (par exemple en copiant-collant du texte, des images, etc.) sans en donner crédit à la source initiale;
  • tentez de prendre à votre propre compte le travail d'autrui;
  • citez, résumez ou paraphrasez des passages dans votre travail sans citer la source originale;
  • changer des mots ou des expressions tout en copiant la structure des phrases d'une source, sans donner crédit à l'auteur. »

(Voir aussi:

L'autoplagiat, qui consiste à réutiliser un travail déjà publié et à le soumettre à la Revue, est aussi une forme de plagiat.

La Revue se réserve le droit :

  1. de soumettre systématiquement les articles proposés à un logiciel antiplagiat;
  2. de rejeter l'article;
  3. dans les cas de plagiat important, d'avertir les victimes du plagiat (auteur(s) et éditeur(s)) ainsi que toute autre personne concernée (par exemple, directeur de thèse, université, etc.);
  4. d'interdire à l'auteur de plagiat de publier à l'avenir au sein de la Reue;
  5. si la découverte du plagiat a lieu après la publication de l'article, de retirer immédiatement l'article de son site (et de celui d'Érudit) et de préciser les raisons de ce retrait ainsi que d'avertir les victimes du plagiat et toute autre personne concernée.


L'archivage pérenne de la Revue générale de droit est assuré par Portico.

Editorial board

Editorial and management team of the Revue générale de droit


Prof. Patrick Dumberry


Administrative Assistant

Claire Gauvreau


Faculty Committee

Prof. Françoise Debruche

Prof. Michelle Giroux

Prof. Mariève Lacroix

Prof. Céline Lévesque


Editorial Assistants

Nicole Jetté

Charbel Abi-Saad

Geneviève Latulippe

Adriana Sukkar


Scientific Committee

Prof. Esther Arroyo i Amayuelas, Universty of Barcelona

Prof. Stéphane Bernatchez, Université de Sherbrooke

Prof. Emmanuelle Bernheim, Université du Québec à Montréal

Prof. Philippe Coppens, Université catholique de Louvain

Prof. Julie Desrosiers, Université Laval

Prof. Christine Morin, Université Laval

Prof. Jean-François Niort, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane

Prof. Sylvie Paquerot, Universty of Ottawa

Prof. Alain Roy, Université de Montréal

Prof. Marc Verdussen, Université catholique de Louvain

Prof. José Woehrling, Université de Montréal