Histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques
History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies

Numéro 34, automne 2019 ressentir (les frontières) sensing (borders) Sous la direction de Michael Darroch, Karen Engle et Lee Rodney

Sommaire (15 articles)

  1. Liminaire
  2. Introduction. Sensing (Borders)
  3. Intentional Solidarity as a Decolonizing Practice
  4. Border Ethics: Translation and Planetarity in Spivak
  5. “Do You Feel Safe at the Border?” An Intermedial Pedagogy for Sensing Communities of Shared Fate
  6. Between Security and Spectatorship: The Media of Transnational Mobility at Canadian Airports
  7. Sensing the Border at Roxham Road
  8. Dire/Ressentir les frontières sur la scène intermédiale
  9. On Bodily Absence in Humanitarian Multisensory VR
  10. Visualizing Lake Ontario through the Installations of Bonnie Devine and Nicole Clouston
  11. Trajectoires frontalières : exploration de quelques dynamiques paradoxales de l’ambiance coloniale
  12. Le slam-poésie dans l’espace camerounais francophone : formes, réception et postures

Recherche-création / Research-Creation

  1. Strata-Mapping the Detroit River Border with the Hamilton Perambulatory Unit

Artistes invités / Guest Artists

  1. Unnatural, This Step (2020)
  2. Tales of an Ancient Whisperer (2018)

Anciens numéros de Intermédialités / Intermediality