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  1. 1.

    Ringuet, Louise

    « Pygmalion »

    Article published in Jeu (cultural, collection Érudit)

    Issue 56, 1990

    Digital publication year: 2010

  2. 2.

    Article published in À bâbord ! (cultural, collection Érudit)

    Issue 91, 2022

    Digital publication year: 2022

    More information

    Keywords: Syndicalisme, Démocratie, Printemps érable, grève étudiante

  3. 3.

    Ferraris, Nathalie and Sernine, Daniel

    À l'honneur

    Article published in Lurelu (cultural, collection Érudit)

    Volume 42, Issue 1, 2019

    Digital publication year: 2019

  4. 4.

    Article published in Réforme, Humanisme, Renaissance (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 71, Issue 1, 2011

    Digital publication year: 2014

  5. 5.

    Blanchet, Urbain


    Other published in Études littéraires (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 15, Issue 1, 1982

    Digital publication year: 2005

  6. 6.

    Article published in Circuit (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 16, Issue 3, 2006

    Digital publication year: 2010

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    In the Fall of 2004, CBC replaced their French-language "Cultural Channel" by a new station, "Espace musique", devoted to musical programming. The light tone and content of this station has provoked lively reactions in the Quebec musical milieu. The time allotted to classical music and also to informed commentary on musical works and on cultural life in general is considerably reduced on this new station. As for new and contemporary music, it is relegated to the margins of the eclectic, multicultural and overtly populist programming. On the air, the veritable cultural specialists are ever less frequently called upon to offer commentary on important or emerging artistic creations, and to contextualize the various creative approaches of artists from here and abroad. This change in the level of Canadian French-language public radio, previously of high calibre, but judged too elitist by its directors, is purported to respond to a desire to better reflect Canadian cultural diversity. The long term consequences, however, seem worrying: many concert producers are already experiencing difficulty recruiting a new audience. Has CBC taken a wrong turn, at a time when new means of broadcasting are being developed, including the creation of specialized, private radio stations accessible on the Web? Is the support which public radio has given over the last several decades to composers and performers in Canada and abroad being partially abandoned? Contemporary music could be one of the principle losers in this radio landscape in rapid transformation. To give but one example, interviews with composers have all but been abandoned from the Canadian public airwaves. Audience ratings statistics, listeners' comments and quotations from specialists are used in support of this deliberately polemical text which pleads for the directors of state-funded radio to make responsible decisions, notably with regards to modern and contemporary repertoire.

  7. 7.

    Article published in Service social (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 65, Issue 1, 2019

    Digital publication year: 2019

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    This qualitative research aims to reach a better understanding of thefactors which facilitate and hinder the socioeconomic integration ofwomen in northern Quebec. Results: The discourse of the womeninterviewed shows that the factors which facilitated their integration,after a few years in the Abitibi region, are: langage classes,validation of their diplomas, being in a relationship, having a networkof friends, integration of their children, and also the economicsecurity provided by their spouse. On the other hand, obstacles whichhave hindered their integration are: language barriers, a lack ofvaried training for immigrant women in such regions and theunavailability of certain more specialized medical services.Conclusion: This study demonstrates the need to pay special attentionto the exosystem (e.g., the world of work as well as the organizationof social, community and educational services) as well as themacrosystem (values and norms of the host society) so that immigrantwomen in remote areas can benefit from a more harmonious integration.

    Keywords: Femmes immigrantes, intégration, adaptation, région nordique, Québec, Immigrant women, integration, adjustment, remote region, Quebec

  8. 9.

    Godbout, Jacques, Andrew, Caroline and Polèse, Mario

    Lectures de l'urbain

    Article published in Recherches sociographiques (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 26, Issue 1-2, 1985

    Digital publication year: 2005